3 Ways to Extend the Life of Your Custom Fitted Tarps

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Protecting supplies, equipment, and valuable implements against inclement weather is something that is important to most agricultural producers. Tarps tend to offer the most affordable type of protection that farmers and ranchers are looking for.

A quality fitted tart can be costly, so you want to ensure that you are taking every action possible to maximize the life of your tarps. Here are three simple things that you can do to extend tarp life in the future.

1. Keep Your Tarps Clean

Routine cleaning is one of the easiest ways to prevent your fitted tarps from breaking down prematurely.

Take the time to regularly brush loose dirt and debris off the surface of your tarps. Warm water and a mild detergent can be used to get rid of any caked-on dirt and debris or stains that are affecting your fitted tarp.

Only use a brush with soft bristles to scrub your fitted tarps. Abrasive brushes can actually tear tarp fibers and leave your fitted tarps more prone to developing holes over time.

2. Invest in Immediate Repairs

You should always be completing visual inspections of the fitted tarps that you use on your farm or ranch. Glancing over each fitted tarp on a regular basis will allow you to spot potential performance problems before they can cause crop loss or equipment damage.

Even the most durable tarp can eventually be torn. You should always keep a roll of tarp tape, some tarp glue, and several patches on hand. These materials can be used to repair damaged tarps to minimize the extent of the damage.

Your tarps will last much longer when you take the time to invest in immediate repairs when needed.

3. Store Your Tarps Properly

The way that you store your fitted tarps when they aren't in use can have a direct impact on the longevity of these tarps.

After cleaning and repairing fitted tarps that have been removed, you want to store them in a warm, dry location. To prevent deterioration, tarps should always be stored on shelving, never on the ground directly.

Avoid storage areas with direct sunlight exposure to prevent sun fading and potential fiber degradation.

Finally, make sure that your fitted tarps are completely clean and dry before you roll or fold them in preparation for an extended stay in storage.

Without fitted tarps, it would be difficult for farmers and ranchers to protect their assets against the elements. Caring for your fitted tarps properly will help them last well into the future.

Reach out to a company such as Edwards Canvas Inc for more info.
